online lessons via whatsapp
See below details about one to one online lessons which guarantee 100% attention and accurate listening and speaking training. There are also discussions on several subjects as part of the improvement process.

Spanish (Cuban version, some vocabulary from Spain is also included in the videos)
A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2 – Plus conversations about a wide variety of subjects.
Online vía WhatsApp – Granting access to the teacher google drive for getting tools and materials.
LAURA -I devised this method using two decades of language instruction experience, and with help of top researchers at Havana University. This is a definitive language learning method, which I’m proud to offer to foreign visitors, as well as Island residents, in hopes of bringing them closer together.
Student’s book, Workbook, Illustrations, Audio Tracks, Videos and Power Point Presentations.
Student’s book & workbook plus tools: 30 USD.
Monthly price of one to one lessons (1 hour twice a week): 90 USD.
Monthly price of lessons in groups of 2 students (1 hour twice a week): 60 USD per student.
Payment method: PayPal or Tropipay E-Wallet
Just leave a Whatsapp message or go to contact to send me an email message.
Ready to get started?
Just leave me a Whatsapp message or go to the home page and email me